Each year we ( the Mower Cycle gang) have a lawnmower racing party out at Stretch's house. This event is located near Tiro, OH. If you need address/directions, please contact myself or Stretch.
The party is on Sept 22nd this year, and will go from about 10am until whenever.
Come on out and check out our rides, bring your own if you would like. This is a party, not any kind of sanctioned race. No requirements, but also no prizes.
There will be food, but if you are planning to eat, please also bring something to share.
This is a BYOB event. Please note: I know there are a lot of underage members here - We do not condone underage drinking. For those who are of age and plan to enjoy adult beverages, or those who just want to crash (pun intended), there is plenty of space to pitch a tent.
We generally run 5 tractors at the races, and have a go kart or 2 mixed in. A few years ago my brother in law brought one up from Georgia and raced with us.
There are 2 events we do each year that involve our tractors: our racing party in the fall and our off-roading trip in Indiana in the summer
One or more of the tractors generally find their way out of the shed a few other times a year for odd events or random goofing around.
Proud member of the Mower Cycle Gang... aka the "Mowrons!"
My build (Chaos is one of 3 built like this) Chaos Build